Glorious, uber-Nerd data

In the USA, the CBO has just released a microscopically-detailed breakdown on how federal taxes are paid for by household for the years 1979 through to 2005 inclusive.  Everything is provided by quintile, with the top 20% being broken down into percentiles 81-90, 91-95, 95-99, 99.0-99.5, 99.5-99.9, 99.9-99.99 and the top 0.01%.

It includes, for each of those groups:

  • Effective Federal Tax Rates (Total Tax, Individual Income Tax, Social Insurance Tax, Corporate Income Tax and Excise Tax);
  • The share of federal government revenue for each of those;
  • Average pre-tax income;
  • Average post-tax income;
  • Minimum post-tax income;
  • Share of national pre-tax income;
  • Share of national post-tax income; and
  • (Wonder of wonders!) Sources of income.