Culinary delights of Atlanta, GA

I’ve recently returned from America where, among other things, Dani and I went to the wedding of two of our best friends. On the day of the wedding, the groom’s uncle continued a family tradition by taking the groom and 30 or 40 of his closest male kith and kin out to lunch. While there I had the great pleasure of encountering a new (to me) Southern dish:

A quite spicy (but not obscenely so) Jalepeno pepper, stuffed with shrimp, wrapped in bacon and deep fried on a stick.

I managed three, but should probably have stopped at two. Fantastic. I only wish I’d had the sense to take a photograph.

2 Replies to “Culinary delights of Atlanta, GA”

  1. The anti-Jew?

    (It is missing a glass of milk to go with the bacon, mind)

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